Kamis, 27 Juni 2013


Almost 2 years Rose watched a beetle, then the interest of unity perch to another flower, inhaled the fragrance of flowers and then he just left after he grew tired. The Rose who watched felt sorry for the flowers, what would happen if they knew he was proud of the Beetle that was behind him like that. Until finally the beetle arrived in front of the Rose, with his intelligence he was acting frisky, ensure all existing and careless Rose, Rose falling in love with the Beetle. What clay roses is now happening to him before the beetles away for no reason. and After the incident Beetle and Rose had never met each other. One day autumn has arrived, searching for beetles flowers bloom, and none of them. Until he met on the roses, the roses he asked "why no flowers around here?". Rose replied "they were killed". "Then why do not you?" Beetle. "It is not, but I have first, my new petal". Beetle "Do you want to come back to me?". Rose "no, you have to waste my right, and now I'm pretty beetles there came".

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